To Open The Eyes Or Not To Open The Eyes… That is the question!

To Open The Eyes Or Not To Open The Eyes… That is the question!

I often get asked whether you should close your eyes or keep them open when in the pod so thought I’d write a little about the topic.

Now, first of all, there is no right or wrong answer here but there are different elements to consider depending on the type of experience you are looking for and, more importantly, what you physically need when it comes to your float session.

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The Floatation Experience, Ganzfeld Effect and Altered States of Consciousness

The Floatation Experience, Ganzfeld Effect and Altered States of Consciousness

Although awareness of floatation is increasing all the time, most of us will only have been exposed to the idea through The Simpsons or perhaps the American show Fringe (which is worth a watch by the way!) which both emphasise the visual elements to floating.

So how accurate are these reports of complex visual scenes and altered states of consciousness while in the tank? Well, a recent study has looked specifically into these very experiential elements of floatation to gain an understanding of the subjective cognitive experience

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