Finding balance in a world of distraction

Finding balance in a world of distraction

For me, I noticed that my behaviour’s changed in recent years. I think connectivity has reduced both my concentration levels and creativity; made me more anxious, and perhaps even left me more isolated. So, the word connectivity seems quite a contradiction.

Picture it this way: imagine your conscious mind is a bath, and information and distraction runs from the tap. If you leave the tap running, not only will the bath fill up, soon the whole bathroom (your entire being) floods. And floods cause damage.

So I decided I needed to find a way to redress the balance. I didn’t know what I was looking for or where to find it until I heard some podcasters raving about a fringe activity…


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To Open The Eyes Or Not To Open The Eyes… That is the question!

To Open The Eyes Or Not To Open The Eyes… That is the question!

I often get asked whether you should close your eyes or keep them open when in the pod so thought I’d write a little about the topic.

Now, first of all, there is no right or wrong answer here but there are different elements to consider depending on the type of experience you are looking for and, more importantly, what you physically need when it comes to your float session.

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Benefits of Floating Infographic

Benefits of Floating Infographic

A very recent research publication caught my eye last week which showed remarkable results in a group of 65 participants who enjoyed 12 float sessions over a 7 week period. Feelings of stress, anxiety, depression were all significantly reduced while optimism and sleep quality were significantly increased! To save you the trouble of reading the paper, I've represented the results in a neat little infographic!

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Blood Lactate, High Performance And Floating – A Winning Combination

Blood Lactate, High Performance And Floating – A Winning Combination

Performing at your best and ensuring rapid recovery is key to maintaining a high level of execution in whatever discipline you are practising.

According to leading fitness professionals, blood lactate is an important factor in producing high energy levels but an over-accumulation can result in the dreaded “jelly legs”. So what is blood lactate?

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Struggling With Your Sleep? Try Floating To Get Back On Track

Struggling With Your Sleep? Try Floating To Get Back On Track

Mind racing, tossing and turning, frustration mounting as you stare at the minutes ebb away with the dreaded alarm eeking ever closer… it’s a horrible feeling and one we have all experienced. When you’re in a bad sleep cycle, it can be so difficult to get yourself back on track and often there can be a reluctance to go down the medication route. So how do you get back to that glorious uninterrupted 8-hour (if you’re lucky!) cycle?

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The Floatation Experience, Ganzfeld Effect and Altered States of Consciousness

The Floatation Experience, Ganzfeld Effect and Altered States of Consciousness

Although awareness of floatation is increasing all the time, most of us will only have been exposed to the idea through The Simpsons or perhaps the American show Fringe (which is worth a watch by the way!) which both emphasise the visual elements to floating.

So how accurate are these reports of complex visual scenes and altered states of consciousness while in the tank? Well, a recent study has looked specifically into these very experiential elements of floatation to gain an understanding of the subjective cognitive experience

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The Mindful Revolution Continues… and Floatation is the Perfect Partner

The Mindful Revolution Continues… and Floatation is the Perfect Partner

Mindfulness… I’m sure it’s a word most, if not all of you, are now familiar with. There has been a definite Mindful revolution in recent years with Mindfulness very successfully introduced into schools, being a feature of a highly publicised TedTalk and being the subject of numerous books and articles as our modern society seeks a way to take stock and reconnect with our inner thoughts and feelings.

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Floating While Pregnant - A Perfect Way To Take The Weight Off

Floating While Pregnant - A Perfect Way To Take The Weight Off

Pregnancy puts an immense strain on the body, particularly in the latter stages and it can be frustratingly difficult to get comfortable in the second and third trimester. But there is something you can do to truly get some relief and respite and even connect more deeply your little one.

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Why Our Finest Minds Should Be Floating On A Regular Basis

Why Our Finest Minds Should Be Floating On A Regular Basis

Engineers, economists, literary critics, chemists, business executives, lawyers, doctors — all can profit from the augmented capacity for learning, understanding, and thinking that can be gained in the tank. For if the tank's learning-enhancement effect increases as the difficulty and complexity of the material being learned increases, then it must be the scholars, the original thinkers, the finest minds, dealing with the newest and most difficult information and concepts, who will profit most.

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Got an Exam Coming Up? Try Floating to Supercharge Your Learning!

Got an Exam Coming Up? Try Floating to Supercharge Your Learning!

As much as I have tried to plan ahead for exams and important events, I have always needed the fear factor to come into play before I can really start to knuckle down and revise. This was the case through school, university and in my professional life. One of the problems with this approach is that often, while the end result may still be what you want, the process of getting there can be very stressful and result in rather extreme forms of behaviour such as all-night revision sessions and a somewhat scattered mind. If any of that rings a bell, you may want to read on…

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No Pain, No Gain? Maybe it doesn’t have to be this way

No Pain, No Gain? Maybe it doesn’t have to be this way

Pain is often the less desirable partner of intense exercise but it would seem a long overdue divorce is now a real possibility. A more desirable and enhancing partner has been found and its name is Floatation.

Researchers have just published a paper in which they discuss and prove that after periods of intense exercise, floatation reduces the dreaded lactic acid build-up in recreational and professional athletes. 

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Don't put up with aches and pains... Float!

Don't put up with aches and pains... Float!

While there are numerous types of medication available, it is worth remembering that our physical bodies are remarkable biological machines which have the ability to self-repair and self-heal given the right conditions of genuine rest and recuperation.

The floatation environment is completely unique in that it provides the perfect conditions to enable a deep level of rest and relief due to the removal of all physical stress on the body in the weightless bliss of the floatation pod.


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