Floating While Pregnant - A Perfect Way To Take The Weight Off

Pregnancy puts an immense strain on the body, particularly in the latter stages and it can be frustratingly difficult to get comfortable in the second and third trimester. But there is something you can do to truly get some relief and respite and even connect more deeply with your little one.

Float Like Your Baby

Floatation offers a uniquely weightless environment in which you are effortlessly suspended in 10” of skin-temperature water with the burden of gravity removed from your muscles and joints. This provides enormous relief for common pregnancy problems such as backache and gives you an unparalleled experience of calm and relaxation. The high concentration of Epsom Salt in the water soothes and reduces swelling in muscles as well as leaving your skin silky smooth.

A 10/10 review in Pregnancy and Birth magazine recommends floatation as a must during pregnancy as it is the only activity which will allow you to fully relax, forget about your pains and bond more closely with your baby as you both lie suspended in your own respective weightless environments.

As one pregnant lady remarked,

It was amazing to feel weightless. I was aware of tension draining from my body and my mind went into a state of complete relaxation. As I floated, I felt a strong connection with my baby. It left me blissfully calm.
— Clara, 26 weeks - Pregnancy & Birth Magazine

Less Stress For You, Less Stress For Your Baby

While floatation is great for aches and pains, research has shown that regular floating also reduces feelings of stress and lowers blood pressure and heart rate. The physical and mental stress of pregnancy is a daily challenge and a floatation session is just the ticket to make life during this testing time more pleasant and manageable. Less stress for you means less stress for your baby.

You should of course take the precaution to check with your doctor to be sure that floatation will be ok for your particular circumstances but it is highly recommended during the second and third trimester and the good news is that the effects of floatation are cumulative while at Float Level, the more sessions you buy, the lower the price per float.

If this sounds too good, why not give it a try and see for yourself. You won’t be disappointed. Float Level is coming to Manchester in May 2014. Stay tuned on Facebook and Twitter for updates or sign up for our monthly newsletter at the bottom of the page.